Monday, March 28, 2011

Assignment 1 - PDF

Task 4 -

This definition contains 2 parts. The base parametric tower was created following a series of tutorials on called "Build a parametric Tower" by Jonas Bredel ( What this part does is create the base parametric tower; the floor height, number of floors, the size of the floors, the rotation of the building, the movement in the X and Y axis, the scale of the floors and the thickness of the floor slab can be changed via number sliders and graph mappers.
The other part of this definition is the weaving part, created by Alireza Akhoundi on's discussion boards (, which creates the weaving pattern facade on the tower.

Viewport screen shot of the above definition.

The above definition consist of 2 parts. The base part is Alex Hogrefre's weaving definition ( which creates 2 sets of "threads" going in the X and Y axis but also causes the at points when the 2 sets of threads intersect to undulate in the Z axis (2 points for X and Y).
The 2nd part of this definition was added by me, based on the example in the Grasshopper Primer 2nd Ed. called "Uneven Surface Diagram". What this part does is to make the distribution of the threads uneven, essential creating an illusion of the threads bee "zoomed" in an out at parts of the surface.

Viewport screen shot of the above definition.

Task 3 -

I didn't want to use an A2 page layout. So instead I split an A2 page and used 2 A3 landscape. By dividing the A3 size pages further into A4 quarters.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Task 2 - Extra "Images".

Fiberglass Sunshade.

Bamboo weaved into a chair with a backrest.

Using different materials and thickness of the threads different objects can weaved. From using linen to make a tablecloth that can capable of wrapping and revealing the object beneath like a skin to using strips of bamboo to make a chair that is capable of supporting weight

[From 0:22-0:28] Carbon fiber been weaved into a tube.

Task 2 - Research - Tutorials/Guides.

"Generative Algorithms - Weaving" by Zubin M. Khabazi that has some background information on the history of weaving (

Examples of a Weaving definition can be found here:

Alex Hogrefe's Blog.

A thread by Alireza Akhoundi on's Discussion Boards

Deepthi Vijaykumar's Blog.

Online document "The Art and History of Weaving" by Susan C. Wylly from Georgia College and State University.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Task 1 - Themes. [UPDATE - Chosen: Weaving]

Random Sets.
[Above image from -]

[Above image from -]

[Above image from -]

The idea that one object can be used to create so many different forms depending on positioning and binding is interesting. From the stack of wooden boxes seemingly dumped onto the ground from a high place to create a sense of chaotic mess to the bound and stacked boxes to form walls and passages which forms order.