Sunday, May 22, 2011

Task 10 -

The main consideration for the type of material that I want to use for laser cutting is the final form in my assignment 3 design. The main focus of the my design centers around the exterior layer which covers the geometric form. As a modelling exercise, putting all the laser cut pieces together of a "weave" or "diagrid" pattern seems too problematic and time consuming, so I decided (with consultation with Melody) that it was going to be a lot easier and a lot less painfully to just using the base geometric form for the laser cut model. The intention of using acrylic was to give the finish model a "see through: look but still retain a sense of the edge of the model, as the edges of the acrylic has a different colour compared to the "faces" when placed on another surface.

Task 9 -

The above description defines the geometry to be laser cut.

The above description is a waffle description that was created by Victor Leung and posted on's forum. the post title is "A solid waffle for laser cutting."

What I try to emulate with this Grasshopper description is the form of a fish. Base on the sculpture in Barcelona (1992) by Frank Gehry and his Fish Dance building in Kobe, Japan.
The base for this description is the parametric tower I used for the 1st assignment. By removing the last few components and adding addition rotating and scale components I can manipulate the shape and size of the geometry. Using number sliders in Grasshopper is rather restrictive in terms of controlling the overall shape and the way scaling works, so I have opted to use the graphmapper component to achieve the curves.
This geometry will serve as the base for further experiments for the 3rd assignment. The experiments will mainly focus on the facade/cladding that will be applied to the geometry.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Task 6 -

Lexicon -

-Parametri Design
-Skeletal Forms
-Biology Design
-Form Evolution
-Futuristic Design
-Futuristic Form

12 Citations -

Main Source:

  • Van Bruggen, C., Frank O. Gehry – Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, New York, NY, 1997-99.
  • Hanafin, S., Pitts, G., Datta, S., “Non-Deterministic Exploration through Parametric Design”,International Journal of Architectural Computing v.07, no.04 (2009): p.605-622.

Other Sources:

  • Friedman, M., Architecture + Process – Gehry Talks, New York, NY, 2002.
  • Dawkins, R., The Greatest Show on Earth – The Evidence For Evolution, Great Britain, 2009.
  • Jakovich, J., “The Animal Inside Us All – Freedom and restraint clash, twist and form anew when Toyo Ito sketches for Joanne Jakovich.”, Architecture Australia v.98, no.3 (2009): p.21-23.
  • Sanchez, S., Zulueta, A., Barrallo, J., “Bilbao: the Revitalisation of a City”, Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000, Liverpool (UK), 1999: p.694-699.
  • Ahlquist, S., Fleischmann, M., “Material & Space: Synthesis Strategies based on Evolutionary Developmental Biology”, ACADIA 2008: SILICON + SKIN – Biological Processes and Computation, 2008: p. 66-71.
  • Ascott, R., “Architecture and the Culture of Contingency”, Expanding Bodies: Art.Cities.Environment, Halifax (Nova Scotia) 1-7 October, 2007: p.25-31.
  • Beesley, P., Seebohm, T., “Digital Tectonic Design”, Promise and Reality State of the Art verses State of Practice in Computing and Planning Process, Weimar (Germany) 22-24 June 2000, p.287-290.
  • Abdelsalam, M., “The use of the Smart Geometry through Various Design Process: Using the programming platform (parametric features) and generative components”, Digitizing Architecture: Formalization and Content, Manama (Kingdom of Bahrain) 11-12 May, 2009: p.297-304.
  • Jakimowicz, A., Barrallo, J. and Guedes, E.M., “Spatial Computer Abstraction: From Intuition to Genetic Algorithms”, CAAD Futures 1997, Munchen (Germany), 4-6 August, 1997: p.917-926.
  • Barrios, C., “Transformations on Parametric Design Models”, Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2005, Vienna (Austria) 20-22 June 2005: p.393-400